
Showing posts from December, 2020
  gift yourself a  good health Yoga Burn Challange: The good news: Yoga can totally help you shed pounds if that's your goal. Yoga burns calories (well, depending on the type of yoga—more on that in a sec), and it can help you get in the right  mental space to make decisions that will help you lose weight. If weight loss is the overall goal, then the type of yoga you’re doing is super important. Can You Lose Weight Doing Yoga?  Yoga Experts has  different views  on it.    1. Amato swears by three different pillars for his shape test: strength, endurance/cardio, and mobility. “For you, yoga just may be the key to the mobility pillar,” he says. “But some forms touch on  all three.”    2. “A more relaxing type, such as one of the forms of Hatha,   “In comparison, Bikram or hot yoga could lead to a great calorie burn over a single class.”    3. “From curbing emotional eating to getting the most out of a workout, the ability to be fully present and enjoy the full strength and capacity


  The  best ways to lose weight are numerous but here  I am writing few very simple , easy to follow tricks  to keep your body fit and to reduce unwanted fat from all portions of your body 1. EAT HEALTHY 1 WAY:     Snacking is also a very good option at regular intervals.  Make sure  to stock in your kitchen healthy snacks (think high protein, low-carb, and not including sweet snacks with a a ton of sugar) and avoid just mindlessly eating if you're feeling bored or even stressed. 2. DRINK ADEQUATE WATER DURING THE DAY :   When you are trying to lose weight staying hydrated is very  important,  A study published in the Annals of Family Medicine actually found that those who have a they also pointed out  that water is an essential nutrient that is  very important ingredient and vital to weight loss. So to know  how much should you be drinking? The Formula  to obey this   is to divide your body weight in half  and that  is the quantity  you should drink every day to stay hydrated, sh

Free Belly Fat Reduction in 3 Easy steps

Hello, Welcome to your first issue of Belly Fat Free. reduction in 3 easy steps  In each issue of this newsletter, you will learn valuable information on how you can successfully banish stubborn belly fat from your body for good.   Fact:  Many people struggle with stubborn belly fat. It can be difficult to figure out how to lose your belly fat; it takes time, effort and patience. There is no easy solution unless you want to submit to expensive surgery like liposuction, which often is only a temporary fix without maintaining a proper diet and fitness routine.   Stubborn belly fat must be lost one pound at a time through diet and exercise. There are three main way to lose your belly fat:  1..    Regular exercise,  2..    Reduced Calorie intake 3..    Abdominal  exercises  Combine these and you will have the recipe for an effective weight loss plan.   To begin to lose your belly fat ,  you should adjust your diet.  Keep in mind that high fat, high calorie foods are a treat not a daily foo