gift yourself a good health Yoga Burn Challange: The good news: Yoga can totally help you shed pounds if that's your goal. Yoga burns calories (well, depending on the type of yoga—more on that in a sec), and it can help you get in the right mental space to make decisions that will help you lose weight. If weight loss is the overall goal, then the type of yoga you’re doing is super important. Can You Lose Weight Doing Yoga? Yoga Experts has different views on it. 1. Amato swears by three different pillars for his shape test: strength, endurance/cardio, and mobility. “For you, yoga just may be the key to the mobility pillar,” he says. “But some forms touch on all three.” 2. “A more relaxing type, such as one of the forms of Hatha, “In comparison, Bikram or hot yoga could lead to a great calorie burn over a single class.” 3. “From curbing emotional eating to getting the most out of a workout, the abil...